Christian Standard Bible

Our publishing client decided it was time rebrand their flagship Bible translation. What was previously known as the “Holman Christian Standard Bible” underwent both a translation revision and a name simplification — to the “Christian Standard Bible.” Grey Matter Group was tasked with developing a new brand identity and marketing campaign. Our simple solution centered on the idea of the Bible as a compass for life. The translation enjoyed a boost in readership after the rebrand and the CSB continues to be discovered by new audiences.

  • Big Idea
  • Identity
  • Consumer & Trade Print
  • Social Media
  • Video
  • Package Design
  • Website Design
  • Email Marketing
  • Exterior Vehicle Design
  • Photography


CSB header

Consumer & Trade Print

Social Media

CSB social media banner

CSB social media posts on phones

Brand Video

lady on couch writing notes

Package Design

CSB Bible covers

Website Design & Email Marketing

CSB website and email on various devices

Exterior Vehicle Design

CSB vehicle wrap on Volkswagen van


Women reading Bibles
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